Candidate Name
First Name
Last Name
Office Sought
Methane, a byproduct of oil and gas development, is a potent greenhouse gas and a significant contributor to climate change. Both the Environmental Protection Agency and Bureau of Land Management are updating their federal methane standards to reduce emissions from the oil and gas industry. Do you support strengthening federal regulations to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions?
America the Beautiful is a science-based conservation initiative led by the Biden administration to conserve 30% of U.S. lands and waters by 2030 through voluntary, community-driven efforts to mitigate climate change impacts. Please describe your position on the America the Beautiful campaign, and, if applicable, any specific efforts you intend to sponsor or support to achieve its goals.
There are federal legislative and administrative efforts underway to update the General Mining Act of 1872, reform policies that govern the hard rock mining industry, and protect communities from pollution and impacts from abandoned mines. Please describe your position on updating hard rock mining regulations, such as through the Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act, and your position on proposals to establish a royalty on mining operations.
Protecting the right to vote, ending gerrymandering, restoring civics to the school curriculum, and preserving freedom of the press are essential to maintaining and defending our democracy. Please describe any initiatives or reforms you support or would like to sponsor related to voting rights or upholding democratic principles.
Would you support legislation to ensure Colorado hits its carbon reduction targets, which the state is currently not on track to meet?
Homes, businesses and other buildings are the source of significant climate emissions. A key strategy for reducing carbon pollution from buildings is to heat and cool them and power their appliances with electricity produced from clean, renewable sources. Do you support policies that help switch homes and buildings in Colorado from fossil fuel-based heating, water heating, and cooking to high-efficiency, zero-emission, all-electric options such as heat pumps and induction stoves?
The transportation sector is now the largest source of greenhouse gas pollution and, according to Colorado’s GHG Pollution Reduction Roadmap, the state must reduce transportation emissions of 40% by 2030 in order to meet its climate targets. This will require a combination of electrifying cars and trucks, providing multimodal options to driving single-occupant vehicles, and enabling people to live closer to their jobs and the services they need. Do you support policy measures that increase funding for transit and require cities of a certain size to allow more housing to be built near public transportation, like trains and bus lines, to help reduce traffic, climate emissions and other air pollution?
Colorado is dealing with multiple intersecting crises on air quality, climate, and housing affordability. Would you support legislation to require cities of a certain size to allow duplexes, triplexes, and townhouses in residential neighborhoods as a way to reduce housing costs, provide more housing choice and reduce transportation-related climate emissions and air pollution?
Describe your current occupation and other employment experience relevant to the public office you’re seeking.
What other public offices have you held, if any?
If applicable, please describe any climate- or conservation-related accomplishments you’ve achieved, either within or outside of public office.
Are there any climate or conservation votes or positions you’ve taken in the past that you wish to explain? If so, please describe.