Join Other Leaders: Show Your Support for America the Beautiful by Protecting 30% of Lands and Waters by 2030

As an elected official, you can add your name today to show your support for the America the Beautiful campaign. Signing your name is an expression of support for accelerating the level of conservation ambition nationally, which is a scientifically proven need in order to reverse the impacts of climate change. Signing does not obligate you (or your office) to conserve 30 percent of lands and waters in your local jurisdiction.

add your name to the list and consider adopting a Resolution

See the list of supporters here. Scroll down to see the governments that have adopted America the Beautiful resolutions.

Pass a Resolution to Support Conservation and Reverse Climate Change

Your local jurisdiction can show support for America the Beautiful by adopting a local resolution. Click here to download a draft resolution for your council or commission to consider. If you pass a resolution or need assistance, let us know by contacting

These local governments have adopted resolutions supporting the America the beautiful initiative:

Tohono O’odham Nation, San Xavier District, Arizona

City of Broomfield, Colorado

Boulder County Commission, Colorado

Gilpin County Commission, Colorado

La Plata County Commission, Colorado

Telluride Town Council, Colorado

San Miguel County Commission, Colorado

Las Cruces City Council, New Mexico

Santa Fe County Commission, New Mexico

Grand County Commission, Utah

Tools & Resources

WLN America the Beautiful Toolkit

The Science Supporting America the Beautiful

Groundwork for America the Beautiful: Website amplifying locally driven conservation projects

Department of Interior: Conserving and Restoring America the Beautiful

Report: How Outdoor Recreationists Can Support America the Beautiful

Headwaters Economics: The economic importance of national monuments to communities

Headwaters Economics: Federal lands in the West, liability or asset? 

Center for Western Priorities: Public land seizures would cost Western states billions of dollars for wildfire mitigation

Center for Western Priorities: States would shoulder costs of mine clean-up if they take over federal lands

What is the America the Beautiful Campaign?

The America the Beautiful initiative is a science-based initiative to conserve 30 percent of America’s lands and waters by 2030 to fight climate change and reverse the destruction of our wildlife, waterways and natural places. This goal acknowledges that we have reached a tipping point with the damage done to the natural world, and we must take bold, decisive action to reverse the climate crisis.

The campaign’s five core principles are:

  1. Support locally led conservation;

  2. Work toward a more equitable and inclusive vision for nature conservation;

  3. Honor the sovereignty of tribal nations;

  4. Support private conservation; and

  5. Be guided by science

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